GZK Puzzle & Hyperon Puzzle
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays above the transverse momentum cut off (1020 eV) were detected by Fly’s Eye, AGASA, & HiRes. This GZK puzzle is a problem for astronauts because galactic cosmic radiation is lethal. White hole clusters bound together by Fermi bubbles solve the GZK puzzle. This solution is relativistic, color confined, & consistent with chiral symmetry.
Solving relativistic stellar structure equations, we find a decrease of neutron star maximum mass from 2.4 solar masses to 1.4 solar masses when hyperons are included among the stellar constituents. This is the hyperon puzzle.
Hyperons are baryons with strange quarks, & they are detected through magnetic moments & hyperfine structure. Hyperons interact via the strong interaction, & frozen color configurations on the natural time scales of strong interactions are described by the Color Glass Condensate density matrix, which controls the high energy limit of hadronic matter (baryons are hadrons).
Q stars could solve the hyperon puzzle — when a domain wall network is entrapped on q star surface, Holographic Gravitational Anomalies lead to faster rotation rates & higher mass upper bound.